måndag 17 februari 2014

Online reflection 1

”Find out what happened to the actors from [put in any old successful tv series here]” or “See how much money [put in any celebrity here] earns” is two very common articles I see that I have to pay for when I read the newspaper on the internet. And yes, I get the urge to click on the article because in that second I really want to know what happened to, for example, Inger Nilsson. But the next second I recall that I can just google it and find it out for free. I guess this is one big issue for the newspapers.

I’m a 90’s kid and we’re used to get things for free. Just a few clicks away we have every, okay almost every, movie, song, tv series or whatever that’s ever been made there for us to enjoy whenever we want. (Well of course I’ve never illegally downloaded anything). But this makes us unwilling to pay for news. On the other hand I recently found out that there are about 150.000 individuals who pay for the paywall-articles in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. My preconception tells me that there are mostly older people who pay for this.

This leads to the question; what should the newspapers do to make me pay? Maybe it’s a matter of time. In the future there will probably be more articles and news on the internet that you have to pay for, since it’s obviously getting more common. And maybe when there are no options but to pay to get trustworthy articles, then I’ll pay. But the thing is that I believe that there will never be a time where it doesn’t exist a free option, because there will always be a competitor trying to steal readers.

So to sum this up, I will never pay to get information about Inger Nilsson. Please give me something of higher value!

PS. I have nothing against Inger Nilsson in particular. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. I feel like I was in your situation a couple of years ago. I could not see myself pay for any articles on internet, since you can find almost all of the information for free by using google.com. However, the recent years I have actually found myself paying in order to get access to some articles. The thing is that I would probably be able to find the same information on other places over internet, but I just find it very convenient to get the information I want without having to look anywhere else for it. In a world where time is money you can not underestimate this aspect. And if I am interested in reading about the thoughts about something from a certain person, then it might actually be impossible to find this information without paying for it. As you write, it is hard for the newspaper industry to gain as much revenue as before from our generation, but if they just adjust to the technology, then they might actually find a way to gain some money from us too.

    //Robin Westlund

  2. I can really relate to the situation that you describe in your text because I share that belief too. The younger generation as you wrote is used to get all kind of information for free. It takes more from the newspaper to get our attention and make us pay. I compare it to the magazine "Veckorevyn" that doesn't really contain news but in some how it's very popular and we pay for it. Maybe it's time for a change for the newspaper and add something unique? Like you said we want something with higher value.

  3. Important new will probably be “free” for a long time. But have you asked yourself if reading news online is really free?
    First of all you need some kind of device that get you access to the Internet, for example a computer, an IPad or a mobile phone. They all cost a lot of money. You will also need some kind of Wi-Fi to get access to the web. Either 3G in your mobile phone or a broadband in your home. And that cost money too. If you have internet at home than you are guilty of having a TV-device and have to pay a pay a fee to Radio- och Tv-tjänst.
    When you have a computer and access to the web you will need to find a page with free new. But where you find free news you also will find much advertising and advertises are annoying. I personally am willing to pay to get rid of all the advertising.
    Nothing in the world is free!

  4. This was a good read and as of right now I relate to your situation. I have never had the urge to pay for information about who wears what in hollywood (but I probably will if Inger Nilsson shows up, she seems to be an interesting person). There are a whole lot of ways for us (the consumers) to get the article information from other sources like you said, so the only thing we get when we pay the newspaper is mostly their opinions.
    So if Inger Nilsson does not show up in the paywall section of the newspaper, then I will not be paying eighter!
